600g of shrimps
1 shallot
1 teaspoon of drie coriander
2 or 3 tablespoon of Ælred Pastis 1889
Pepper and olive oil

For the sauce :
6 tablespoon of double cream
1 half teaspoon of drie coriander
1 half teaspoon of ground anise
1 half teaspoon of Ælred Pastis 1889
Salt and pepper

Mince the shallot and fry it in olive oil.
Add the garlic et the coriander.
Place shrimps and cook on medium heat.
Meanwhile, whisk the cream, with coriander and garlic.
Add the Pastis, season and keep it in the refrigerator.
Pour some Pastis over the shrimps and flame it.
Caramelize it for a few minutes.
Serve immediatly with the mixture, potatoes or rice.

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